1220 Wien
10/2021 | 2. Preis mit Würdigung
4.750 m²
11.385 m²
Dichte (GFZ)
7.825 m²
Verantwortlicher Partner
Mark Gilbert
Christian Aulinger, Mark Gilbert
Wettbewerb: Matthias Brandmaier, Claudia Frediani, Adam Koten
rajek barosch Landschaftsarchitektur

In October 2021, the city of Vienna organized a competition for the planning and construction of innovative social housing. Sited upon a long, thin parcel in the city’s 22nd district, the project brief requested designs for affordable housing that would not only account for changes in Vienna’s climate, but also accommodate transformations in how families live today.
Specifically, the planners were asked to explore how renewable, low-carbon materials can be used to build multi-family housing. Additionally, they were asked to propose compact and economical floor plans that respond to the ongoing relocation of work from offices into the home.
Our project proposed a load-bearing skeletal frame, built using highly efficient, wood/concrete hybrid technology. This system of construction significantly reduces the building’s ecological footprint: the wooden timber of the skeleton’s frame binds CO2 during tree-growth, and bonding thin layers of concrete to cross-laminated wooden floor-plates optimizes each material’s contribution to the building system. Prefabricated wooden curtain-wall panels, with recyclable fiber-cement cladding, are used for the building’s envelope. The balconies are built out of weather resistant concrete slabs mounted on exposed wooden posts of laminated larch.
Arrayed around three stabilizing concrete stairwells, the skeleton of the building-system is flexible and can be subdivided in response to both short and long-term needs.
The competition prescribed an initial usage of affordable social housing. The project arranged a series of apartments of varied size, layout and orientation. Certain units are large, single-loaded and cross-ventilated. Some are smaller, double-loaded flats. Others, two-story maisonettes. But all share two characteristics. Each have generous balconies and dedicated, functional spaces for home-office that fit organically into their compact floor plans.
These Home-Offices are the programmatic premise of the housing. Some workspaces have a large format and are located on their own floor of a maisonette. Others are small yet clearly defined niches which offer work-at-homers privacy, separation and infrastructure within a one-, two-, or three-room apartment. The work spaces are indicated by the colored shading in the floor plans to the left.
The housing is enhanced by a spectrum of community spaces, such as a house cafe, child care, and a room for gymnastics and yoga. These spaces offer home-workers a respite from the tedium of working alone, and chances to exercise, relax and communicate with their neighbors.
The Interplay of the apartment-plans and the building structure creates a lively, highly articulated façade, both to the Hirschstettnerstraße street front as well as to the courtyard-like plaza that the building shares with the newly built public
school to its east.
Hischstettnerstraße Social Housing is affordable housing that uses state-of-the-art, ecologically conscious construction to generate innovative apartment units, whose typology and floor plans thoughtfully respond to the critical needs of contemporary urban living.