
Best of Austria / Architektur 2022_23
ArchitekturZentrum Wien (Hsgr.)
Park Books, Zurich 2024 s.43
Compendium of prize-winning Austrian architecture 2022-2023

DOMUS no. 1089 04|2024, pp. 8-13
In her Essay on Social Housing in Vienna, former Vice-Mayor Maria Vassilakou features FUX | Housing for Unaccompanied Minors and holds it up as an important contribution to housing in the city.
> Projekt: FUX | Housing for Minors in Vienna’s Fuchsenthalerstraße

Architektur/Wettbewerb 371, 6/2023, Österreich, pp. 24-27
Report about LAA | Kurbadstraße BAG 2;
The project is featured on the journal’s cover page.
> Link to Project: LAA | WB Kurbadstraße
> Link to Publication: ARCH-WB 371_LAA

CUBE 03|23, Österreich/Deutschland, s.24-25
> Project: ASG|marchfeldterrassen
> Publication: ASG_CUBE_03-23_2

WohnenPlus, 3/2023, Österreich, s. 10-17
“Social Balancing Act” Architecture Journalist Maik Novotny cites ESS|Esslinger Arkaden as an example of Best Practice in his essay on social and programmatic diversity for urban housing.
> Link Wohnen Plus 3_2023 s10-16
> Projekt ESS

Livings, Detail 04
ARCHI-LAB (Hrsg.), Seoul, Korea, 2022. s. 220-229
“Livings, Detail” is a series of architectural books dedicated to presenting innovative, thoughtfully detailed housing projects to a world-wide, professional audience.

Architektur/Wettbewerb 361 2/2022, Austria, s. 46-53
“White City am Marchfeldkanal”:
Journalistic account of the built project ASG|marchfeldterrassen.
> Link to Project: ASG|marchfeldterrassen
> Link to Publication: ASG TC_ARCH-WB 361

Social, affordable, and co-operative in Europe.
The Housing Agency, Ireland’s non-commercial government organisation for better housing (Ed.), Dublin, 2020. pp. 58-62, 63-67
Two projects from TC have been included:

Best of Austria / Architektur 2018_19
ArchitekturZentrum Wien (Pub.)
Park Books, Zurich 2020 s.119
Compendium of prize-winning Austrian architecture 2018-2019

What, If Anything, Is a Rabbit?
Architecture Theorist Kari Jormakka / Gedenkschrift
DATUTOP 39, Tempare Univ. Finnland 2020
s. 246-284
Text on the Kari Jormakka’s influence in the
architectural discourse in Vienna, 1998 to present.

low cost|high touch: sechs konzepte für leistbares wohnen.
Birkhäuser, Basel & Vienna, 2020
This monograph on the work of trans_city documents six innovative housing projects from 2016 – 2018.
With an introduction by Michael Obrist and an interview from and with Angelika Fitz.

Architecture MasterPrize 2019; Los Angeles, p.69
SIE / Home21 was one of three buildings worldwide to be recognized in the category Architectural Design – Social Housing

CUBE 02 /2019, Austria/Germany, pp.26-27
> Project: STA / zwei+plus intergenational housing in Vienna’s Stavangergasse
> Publication STA CUBE 02_19

Architecture MasterPrize 2018; Los Angeles, s.60
FUX / Housing for Unaccompanied Minors was one of five buildings worldwide to be recognized in the category Architectural Design – Social Housing
> Project FUX

Das Wiener Modell (The Viennese Model), Vol 2. 2018, Austria s.164-165
> Project Siemensstrasse

Corriere della Serra, Italien
Le sfide dell’Architetture, Uscita 26, s.63-67
> Projekt: Satzingerweg
> download PDF

CUBE 02 /2018, Austria/Germany, pp.13-14
> Project: Satzingerweg
> Publication: W_0218_trans_city_Satzinger_Weg

die Presse, Vienna 19.07.2018
Coverage of best architects 2018

architektur Fachmagazin N°5/2018, Österreich
Juli/August 2018, s.54-59
> Projekt: Siemensstraße
> download PDF

Falter Fair N°38a/15, Österreich
Herbst 2015, s.18-21
> Projekt: Jacmel Satellite City
> download PDF

Konstruktiv N°299, Österreich
September 2015, s.8-15
“Der Kontrakt des Landvermessers”
– Grundeigentum als elementarer Parameter der Stadt,
Mark Gilbert

Zuschnitt N°35, Österreich
Dezember 2009
> Projekt: Emergency Village
> download PDF

“werk, bauen + wohnen”, Schweiz
April 2006, s.12-14
“Die Dächer von Wien”, Mark Gilbert

dwell magazine, USA,
Oktober 2003, s. 106-107
> Projekt: Haus Pichler
> download PDF