Stavangergasse 3-5, 1220 Wien
12/2014, 1. Preis
Begin of Planning
Building Footprint
5.780 m2
Bebaute Fläche
2.885 m2
Gross Floor Area
15.033 m2
Net Subsidized Floor Area
9.963 m2
128 + Wohngemeinschaft
Average Apartment Area
77,84 m2
1.355,–/m2 WNFL
Mark Gilbert
Project Team
Christian Aulinger, Mark Gilbert;
Wettbewerb: Matthias Brandmaier.
Ausführung: Matthias Brandmaier (Projektleitung);
Joao Francisco Carolino, Ricardo Oliviera, Thomas Pouilie, Michael König.
EinszuEins Architektur
ARWAG Bauträger Gesellschaft m.b.H.
ÖVW Bauträger Gesellschaft m.b.H.
Freiraumplanung: Rajek+Barosch, Wien
Statik: Dorr – Schober & Partner ZT gmbH, Wien (Wettbewerb)
K+S Ingenieure, Wien (Ausführung)
Haustechnik: TB Ing. Michael Urschler GmbH, Riedlingsdorf
Elektroplanung: TB Ing. Peter Fraz
Soziale Nachhaltigkeit: Kon-Text, Wien
Expressiv – Elmir Smajic e.U., Wien

zwei+plus is an innovative concept for intergenerational living.
The project is subsidized social housing, whose units are rented in pairs to two cooperating, intergenerational households. These “tandem” households can be family or just plain friends, but they must move in together and commit themselves to mutual support. In a time where independent living is treasured, support networks remain essential, so zwei+plus provides tandem households with the opportunity to live nearby to each other. Their spatially separate units are near enough for interaction and assistance, yet far enough from eachother for privacy.
The architecture provides the framework for an ambitious social program. Four L-Shaped buildings form four inviting, verdant courtyards. The ground floor contains collectively programmed spaces : a community café for the surrounding neighborhood, a laundromat, a playroom for kids, a kindergarten, and an assisted living center. A cooperating partnership allows seniors to work with preschoolers, bringing generations together in a especially constructive way.
The circulation zones are socially active spaces. One bedroom units are outfitted with an innovative interpretation of the classic front-porch: a raised, yet set-back “veranda” faces onto the galleries, allowing residents to chat as they pass by.
The tandems are offered a wide choice of floor plans. Most are self-contained apartments. Some – designated “all-smart” units – can house different households within one flexible dwelling: two single parents might have their own quarters, yet share a common living-dining room, or nuclear family can add a separately accessible studio unit for an elderly parent.
The precise articulation of the individual buildings, combined with the sensitive proportioning of the estate’s courtyards, generates lively, well-structured form. The wooden detailing of the balconies and ground floors provides a sense of warmth and intimacy, while a metallic-glazed stain on the finely-planed wooden surfaces lends the architecture a unique, highly tactile flair.