1020 Vienna
11/2007-06/2008; 09-12/2012
Strategy Plan
06-10/2008; 01-03/2013
Study Area
Volkert- u. Alliertenviertel
Partners in Charge
Mark Gilbert, Christian Aulinger
Project Team
Elisabeth Steidl, Julia Preschern
Magistratsabteilung 19 der Stadt Wien
Bezirksvorstehung Leopoldstadt

Vienna’s 2nd District (Leopoldstadt) is a unique assemblage of historically-evolved urban fabric, brown-field sites and large-scale green spaces. Ongoing processes of urban renewal, combined with the reuse and redevelopment of disused industrial and transportation facilities, are rapidly transforming the urban dynamics of the borough. A strategic plan for the reorganization and revitalization of its public spaces was required.
As an integral part of the city of Vienna’s long-term urban planning strategy, this study catalogued and analyzed Leopoldstadt’s existing network of parks, streets and squares. This evaluation provided a factual framework that documented the district’s historical development, its present programmatic needs, as well as the planning potential of its public spaces. Using this evaluation as a analytical foundation, trans_city developed and documented a comprehensive strategy plan for the organization and future development of public space in Vienna’s 2nd district.