
28. October 2024
marchfeld terraces is Finalist for “archello housing project of the year”
trans_city‘s social housing project in Vienna’s 21st District has been recognized once again!
We are proud to announce that ASG|marchfeld terraces is finalist for housing project of the year (low-rise) in the 2024 edition of the Archello Award.
> See our fellow nominees at this Link to the Archello Awards page
> Project ASG|marchfelder terraces

18. October 2024
TC awarded in Developer Competition “Kleinprojekte 2024″
With great pleasure, TC announces our success in the Developer Competition for Small-Scale Housing in Vienna! Thorough close cooperation with our partner SiedlungsUNION non-profit housing cooperative, we developed a flexible “kit of parts” building system for small-scale collective housing on 8 varied sites spread across the city.

1. July 2024
Esslinger Arcades Finished and Open for Business
The Esslinger Arcades line the front of a new multi-functional complex in Essling/Vienna.
Conceived and planned by trans_city and the SiedlungsUnion housing cooperative, the building, with its 140 apartments and more than 2000m² of commercial space was completed and occupied in June.
> Here’s a Link to ESS | Esslinger Hauptstraße

5. April 2024
dezeen names TC one of fifty leading offices for social housing worldwide
In their ongoing Series on social housing, the internet platform dezeen highlights fifty architectural firms from around the globe who are forging new paths in the design of affordable housing.
trans_city is pleased to make known that we have been included in this list.

22. December 2023
trans_city’s Masterplan for “Süssenbrunner-Straße West” receives approval
Over the next four years, 1.200 affordable apartments will be built on a 8,4 hectare site in Vienna’s Donaustadt. From 2016 to 2023, trans_city worked with the City Planning Commission and the project’s developers on the Masterpan for this elegantly attenuated urban edge, which is situated between an existing neighborhood and Vienna’s Green Belt. Following an multi-stage process of public participation, the plan was approved by City Council in December 2023.

6. May 2023
The Esslinger Arkaden taking form
The Esslinger Arkaden is a multifunktional Building, which will serve as the new commercial center of the Esslinger Garden City in Vienna. Its arcaded porches are constructed out of finely surfaced, precast-concrete components.
A photo from the building site previews the arcades intriguing interplay of smooth and sandblasted surfaces.

2. February 2023
ASG nominated for ArchDaily’s “Building of the Year” Award
trans_city is proud to announce that ArchDaily’s curatorial staff has nominated ASG | Housing in Anton-Schall-Gasse (“marchfelderterrassen”) for the “Building of the Year” 2023!
Building of the Year recognizes architectural excellence and is awarded to the best projects that have been featured on ArchDaily’s digital platform in 2023.

23. January 2023
Matthias Brandmaier becomes Partner at TC
trans_city ist proud to announce the newest evolution in the structure of the office. Matthias Brandmaier has been with trans_city for eleven years…starting 2023 he will be a partner in the firm.
Christian Aulinger and Mark Gilbert welcome him to the management team!

4. December 2022
TC recognized by ACDA – Architecture, Construction & Design Awards 2022
Located in Delhi, India, the ACDA honors outstanding architecture worldwide.
ASG | Marchfelterrassen was winner 2022 in the category “Housing – up to Five Floors”.
We thank ACDA and their jury for this prestigious award!
> Link to Project ASG

15. November 2022
TC gets nod in competition “Kurbad Oberlaa”
We are especially pleased announce our success in the competition for Parcel 02, Vienna|Oberlaa!
The close cooperation with our project partners at-home Immobilien, SI Landschaftsarchitektur, BlueSave Nachhaltigkeitskonsulenten and KS Ingenieure inspired us to develop the winning design for a 15.700m², multi-functional complex, located on an exceptional site next to the Kurpark Garden in Oberlaa.

29. September 2022
Marchfeldterrassen receives “International Architecture Prize 2022″
International recognition is always an honor: our project ASG|marchfeldterrassen has received the Chicago Atheneum/International Center for Architecture’s International Architecture Award 2022 in the category “Multi-Family Residential Architecture”.
> Link to Project ASG

21. September 2022
Groundbreaking for ESS | Esslinger Arcades
Esslinger Arcades is a multi-functional building on Vienna’s Esslinger Hauptstraße.
The complex will anchor the development of a new borough center for Essling.
We are pleased that work on this important project has begun!
> Link to Project ESS | Esslinger Arkaden

2. June 2022
TC’s “marchfeldterrassen” | Housing in Anton-Schall-Gasse receives the City of Vienna’s “gebaut 2021″ prize for outstanding architecture
We are very pleased to announce: The City of Vienna has recognized ASG | “marchfeldterrassen” Housing in Anton-Schall-Gasse with its “gebaut 2021″ Prize for Outstanding Architecture!
We are grateful to the City of Vienna’s MA19 and their expert Jury for this estimable recognition!
> Link to Project ASG

5. March 2022
TC presents at TURN ON 22
TC previews “Esslinger Arcades”:
Together with our project partner Oliver Vollgruber,
trans-city previewed our newst project at TurnOn 2022,
Central Europe’s largest Architecture Festival.

20. January 2022
1st Prize! trans_city winner in competition “VILLAGE IM DRITTEN BP03″
Filigree Woodwork on a Solid Urban Base.
We are pleased to announce that trans_city’s competition entry has been chosen winner for Parcel 03!
Together with simma|zimmermann Landschaftsarchitektur, we thank the jury for their trust in our design – and we look forward to working with ARE Austrian Real Estate to develop this inner-city site.

6. December 2021
A vision, on radio. TC is Guest on Radio Orange’s interview series “a palaver”
On 06.12.2021, Mark Gilbert spoke with David Pašek from a_palaver: architektur am radio about affordable architecture, passion for craftsmanship and the power of a hand-drawn sketch in our age of digital communication.
> For trans_city’s German-speaking friends, a link to interview: a_palaver 06.12.2021

4. November 2021
TC Presents at “Future Brick Days” Conference in Vienna
FBD was organized by Wienerberger as a forum for highlighting
new developments in architectural technology.
The conference, held on on 4th November 2021, provided an opportunity
for trans_city to present their latest project ASG | marchfeldterrassen.
> Link Lecture 4th Nov. in Vienna’s MAK Museum (in German)
> Link to Project ASG

2. November 2021
TC awarded Architecture MasterPrize 2021 for GUN | “on Forest’s Edge”
TC is very pleased to announce that our affordable housing estate GUN | “on Forest’s Edge” is one of three projects worldwide that have been awarded the Architecture MasterPrize 2021 in the Category Social Housing.
We thank the MasterPrize Foundation and its Jury for this honor!

27. October 2021
ASG | marchfeldterrassen completed!
Good news out Vienna’s 21st District! Our affordable housing estate marchfelderterrassen: Wohnen in der Anton-Schall-Gasse was completed on 25. October and is now being settled.
Here the first photos from Daniel Hawelka…
> Link to Project ASG

6. July 2021
“on Forest’s Edge” housing receives the City of Vienna’s Architecture Prize 2020
We are very pleased to announce: The City of Vienna has recognized GUN | on Forest’s Edge (Housing in Vienna’s Gundackergasse) with its gebaut 2020/Schorsch Prize for Outstanding Architecture!
Affordable housing, whose architectural design attracts critical acclaim…
> Link to Project GUN

9. March 2021
TC: statement to Thema “pioneering”
next|room asked Mark Gilbert to give a statement on the theme of “pioneering” (“wegweisend”) for the interview series “next|room fragt:”.

1. March 2021
TC presents at TURN ON 21
low cost|high touch in wien
On SA 06.03 1300, TC presents two of their housing estates
at Central Europe’s largest Architecture Festival.
Here, the link to the archived digital broadcast: TC at TurnOn 2021

28. January 2021
TC Finalist für A+/Architizer “Best Firm Award 2021″
TC is delighted to announce that we are one of five offices world-wide to be nominated in the category “Best Firm / Multi-Unit Residential Architecture”

19. January 2021
Best Practice in European Housing
The Housing Agency, Ireland’s non-commercial government organisation for better housing, has recognized STA and SIE as two examples of best practice in European Housing.

25. November 2020
GUN – housing project “Am Waldrand” is completed
151 affordable, family-friendly apartments in Vienna’s Gundackergasse have been — despite corona — completed on time and turned over to its occupants.

13. November 2020
SCH | “Wohnen an den Schichtgründen” is awarded Honourable Mention from Architecture MasterPrize 2020
TC is pleased to announce that our latest project SCH has received an Honourable Mention in the category “Social Housing” from the 2020 Architecture MasterPrize Awards.

8. September 2020
Construction moves forward on the “Marchfeldterrassen”
Construction on ASG | marchfeldterrassen Housing in der Anton-Schall-Gasse is moving
briskly forward! Completion of the 34 Apartments with the distinctive floor plans is planned for
Summer 2022.

29. July 2020
SIE | Home 21 named A+/Architizer Award Finalist
trans-city ist proud to announce that SIE is one of five projects world-wide to be chosen as finalist in the category “mixed-use”

18. June 2020
STA | zwei+plus intergenerational housing recognized for BigSEE Award
BigSEE recognizes outstanding architecture in South-Eastern Europe – from Austria to Greece, from Italy to Romania.
TC is proud to receive an Award for Residential Architecture as well as a nomination for the Grand Prix in Architecture 2020.

2. April 2020
SCH – Schichtgründe Hans-Czermak-Gasse completed
trans_city’s latest Project SCH – Schichtgründe Housing on the Hans-Czermak-Gasse has been completed and turned over to the new residents on schedule!
TC has dovetailed 150 units of affordable housing and 50 market-priced apartments seamlessly together and integrated them all into the lushly-planted Schichtgründe urban devlopment area.

25. February 2020
TC Monograph “low cost|high touch” now in Bookstores
Published by trans_city with Birkhäuser Verlag, low cost|high touch: sechs konzepte für leistbares wohnen collects six of TC’s prize-winning housing projects in a boxed set of individual brochures. The monograph documents trans_city’s highly differentiated, programmatic and contextual approach to planning and building housing. The publication includes an introduction by Michael Obrist and a incisive interview from and with Angelika Fitz.
> Link to pruchse:

10. January 2020
TC gets nod in 2nd Phase of competition “an der Schanze”
Together with the non-profit developer Familienwohnbau and our project partner feld72, trans_city’s proposal “donaufelder freundschaften” was declared the winner of the two stage developer competion “Donaufeld – an der Schanze” (Lots J and K), located in Vienna’s 21st District.

21. September 2019
trans_city awarded Architecture MasterPrize 2019 for Project SIE/HOME21 Multi-Housing in Vienna/Floridsdorf
The Architecture MasterPrize recognizes outstanding buildings from around the world. We’re quite proud: SIE is one of four projects world-wide to be recognized in the category “Social Housing”.

18. September 2019
Laureate Interview / BigSEE Award for Outstanding Architecture in SE Europe
Interview from BigSEE Award for our Projekt FUX now online.
TC speaks at the Awards Ceremony in April 2019

25. July 2019
SIE longlisted for dezeen architecture award 2019
TC is proud to announce that SIE/HOME21 has be longlisted for the dezeen architecture award 2019 in the category “Housing Project”.
> Project SIE
> dezeen architecture awards 2019

24. May 2019
TC chosen for further development in Competition “an der Schanze” in Vienna
Together with Feld 72, FamilienWohnbau and the top-shelf team of Carla Lo, Martina Jauschneg, Juno-Center for Single Parents und ParaDocks, TC got the nod for the further development of their project donaufelder freundschaften.

18. May 2019
LRS/smart+wohnen nominated for ECOLA Award 2019
The ECOLA award recognizes the exceptional use of stucco-rendered surfaces in European architecture. TC thanks the selection jury for the nomination as finalist for this prestigious award.
> Link LRS

1. April 2019
TC on Irish National Radio
TC interviewed on the subject of affordable housing. Broadcast on Irisch Nation Radio “RTE Morning Ireland” .

1. April 2019
TC Presents SIE/Home 21 in Dublin
TC presents their Project SIE in Dublin by the city conference on affordable housing.
> Video
> Conference: Housing For All: Planning and Housing for the 21st Century

12. March 2019
TC presents FUX at BIG ARCHITECTURE Festival on 17th April in Ljubljana
BIG ARCHITECTURE is Ljubljana’s annual Festival on South-East European Architecture – FUX is nominated for their BIG-SEE Architecture Prize 2019.
>Projekt FUX

5. March 2019
TC at Turn On / 07. March 2019
Together with Peter Roitner / heimbau, TC presents The Project Gundackergasse at the Viennese Architecture Festival TURN ON. Th., 7. März 17:30
> Project Gundackergasse

22. November 2018
trans_city receives the Architecture MasterPrize 2018 for FUX / Housing for Unaccompanied Minors
The Architecture MasterPrize recognizes outstanding buildings from around the world. We’re quite proud: FUX is one of five projects world-wide, which were recognized in the category “Social Housing”.
> to Prize Announcement

22. October 2018
SAT in Focus: “Le Sfide dell’Architettura: Edilizia Sociale” is published by Abitare/Corierra della Sera
“Le Sfide dell’Architettura: Edilizia Sociale””Le Sfide dell’Architettura: Edilizia Sociale” analyses the contemporary state of social housing, and documents 18 distinguished projects from around the world. SAT has been included amongst projects from Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas.

22. October 2018
SIE receives KlimaAktiv Gold award
The Austrian Ministry for Sustainability has awarded SAT/Home 21 the Gold Standard.

26. July 2018
Best Architects 2019 Awards
We are delighted to be announce that SAT/Housing on the Floridsdorfer Satzingerweg has been awarded the “Best Architects” award in the category Housing/Multifamily

15. June 2018
Siemensstraße 142 is named IBA Candidate
In recognition of our project’s integration of temporary programming and multifunctional potential into an innovative, economical building system, the Exhibition Commission has selected trans_city’s Siemensstraße 142 as an IBA candidate.

26. April 2018
trans_city is winner in Housing Competion “Gundackergasse”
am waldrand, (Forest’s Edge), a collaboration between TC ZT, DnD Landschaftsarchitektur and the non-profit property developer heimbau, has won a competition for 150 units of social housing on a beautifully wooded site in Vienna/Aspern.

25. April 2018
SAT | intergenerational living in the Stavangergasse completed
trans_city’s innovative concept for intergeneration housing has been completed and turned over to to the residents